The Serola Challenge

What is the Serola Challenge?

Since muscle strength is an indicator of joint integrity, we test the muscles because the difference in strength will demonstrate the difference in support.  To actually take the Serola Challenge to see if you have Sacroiliac Dysfunction, follow these easy steps.

  1. Fasten the Serola Sacroiliac Belt securely on the person. Show Me How
  2. Test the strength of any muscle. One easy test is to have a sitting person raise a foot off the ground and you push down on the thigh. Another easy test is to have a standing person raise an arm and you pull the arm in the opposite direction.
  3. Remove the belt and re-test muscle strength.
What is the simple test?

A simple test will demonstrate if you may benefit from the Serola Sacroiliac Belt. Lie on your back and, with legs straight, raise your feet about 6 inches (15 cm), then lower them back to the ground. Next, have someone very gently push your head towards your feet (the intent is to push such that the force is transmitted along the spine to the sacrum). If it is more difficult to lift your legs with the additional force along the spine, it is indicated that you have a sacroiliac sprain and can benefit from the Serola Sacroiliac Belt.

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