Featured Serola Products
Serola Sacroiliac Belt
Serola Gel Arc Elbow Brace
Serola Belt Extender
Serola Inflatable Pelvic Blocks


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Research & Education
Through Dr. Serola’s breakthroughs and innovative ideas within the field of biomechanics, we offer unparalleled research and education into the field of biomechanics resulting in a groundbreaking new theory on how the body works as an integrated whole; The Musculoskeletal Integration Theory.
About Us
Serola Biomechanics, Inc. is the result of research done by Dr. Rick Serola, a chiropractor. In 1988, after noticing that muscle strength increased throughout the body after sacroiliac stabilization, he began research into the underlying biomechanics. As a result, he found the need for products that were not in the marketplace, so he developed them himself. Now the Serola Sacroiliac Belt is being used to provide pain relief and help prevent injury to thousands of new people every day throughout the world.

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